.. include:: include/links.rst Usage ===== .. _installation: Installation ------------ To install PySoftK_, we encourage to do it inside a virtual environment, which can be achieved in the following way. 1. Created a directory, for instance work_pol .. code-block:: bash $ mkdir work_pol 2. Get inside the created directory (work_pol) .. code-block:: bash $ cd work_pol 3. Create a virtual environment name polymer (as an example) .. code-block:: bash $ python -m venv polymer $ source polymer/bin/activate 4. Download PySoftK_ from GitHub_: .. code-block:: console (.venv) $ git clone https://github.com/alejandrosantanabonilla/pysoftk.git 5. Install PySoftK_ using pip: .. code-block:: console (.venv) $ pip install -e . 6. Testing PySoftK_ can be done using pytest within the test folder: .. code-block:: console $ cd test (.venv) $ pytest