Source code for pysoftk.linear_polymer.calculators

import os
from os import walk
from os.path import join
import sys
import subprocess as sp
import shutil, errno

[docs]class Opt(object): """ Geometrical optimization tools using GFN-XTB2 and PySCF as engines. Note ----- This class requires a GFN-XTB executable and/or a PYSCF semiempirical installation to be used. """ def __init__(self, xyz_file): """Set up cartesian coordinates Parameters ---------- xyz_file : str Name of the external cartesian coordinate file used for geometry optimization. """ self.xyz_file = xyz_file
[docs] def pyscf_semi(self, steps): """Function invoking PYSCF semiempirical implementation for geometry optimization. Parameters ---------- steps : int, optional Number of steps which PYSCF code will perform the optimization routine. Return ------- None : Print the file reporting the results from a PYSCF calculation. """ import pyscf from pyscf import gto from pyscf import semiempirical from pyscf.geomopt.berny_solver import optimize mol=gto.M(atom=str(self.xyz_file)) mf=semiempirical.RMINDO3(mol) mol_eq=optimize(mf,maxsteps=int(steps)) Pyscf_print().xyz(mol_eq)
[docs]class Pyscf_print(object): """ Print a PYSCF object into cartesian coordinates. """
[docs] def xyz(self, mol): """Function to print a file with Cartesian coordinates from a PYSCF geometry optimization calculation. Parameters ---------- mol : pyscf.gto.mole.Mole A PySCF gto mole Mole object. Return ------ pysfc_final: str An xyz file containing the optimized coordinates of the provided PYSCF Mole object. """ bohr2angs=0.529177 coords = bohr2angs*mol.atom_coords() with open("", "w") as myfile: myfile.write('{}'.format(int(len(coords)))) myfile.write('\n') myfile.write('\n') for i in range(len(mol.atom)): myfile.write('{} {:.8f} {:.8f} {:.8f}\n'.format(str(mol.atom[i][0]), float(coords[i][0]), float(coords[i][1]), float(coords[i][2]))) myfile.write('\n') print ("File has been created.")