Source code for pysoftk.linear_polymer.linear_polymer

from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
from rdkit.Geometry import Point3D
from rdkit.Chem import rdDistGeom
from rdkit.Chem import rdDistGeom as molDG
from rdkit.Chem.rdMolTransforms import *
from rdkit import RDLogger

import numpy as np
from import *
from   import *
from   import *

from openbabel import openbabel as ob
from openbabel import pybel as pb

[docs]class Lp: """ A class for creating a linear polymer from given RdKit molecules. Examples --------- Note ----- RDKit package must be installed. """ __slots__ = ['mol', 'atom', 'n_copies', 'shift'] def __init__(self, mol, atom, n_copies, shift): """ Initialize this class. Parameters ----------- mol : rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol RDKit Mol object atom : str The placeholder atom to combine the molecules and form a new monomer n_copies: int Number of copies to be created for the provided mol object. shift: float X-axis shift to translate the super_monomer object. """ self.mol = mol self.atom = atom self.n_copies = n_copies self.shift = float(1.25) if shift is None else float(shift)
[docs] def max_dist_mol(self): """Returns the maximum distance between atoms from an RDKit Mol Object. Return ------- np.float maximum value from a Molecule Bound Matrix """ mol=self.mol bm = molDG.GetMoleculeBoundsMatrix(mol) return np.amax(bm)
[docs] def x_shift(self): """Re-calibrate distance between monomers Return ------- shift_final : 'float' Value to translates the unit repetitions """ shift=self.shift shift_final=float(self.max_dist_mol())-float(shift) return shift_final
def _copy_mol(self): """Function to replicate super_monomers. Parameters ----------- mol : rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol RDKit Mol object Return -------- fragments : `list` List of RDKit Mol objects """ mol=self.mol CanonicalizeConformer(mol.GetConformer()) n_copies=self.n_copies fragments=[mol for _ in range(int(n_copies))] return fragments def _polimerisation(self, fragments): """Function to produce a polymer in a recursive manner. Parameters ----------- fragments: list A list of RDKit objects. Return -------- outmol : rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol RDKit Mol object """ x_offset = self.x_shift() outmol=fragments[0] for idx, values in enumerate(fragments[1:]): outmol = Chem.CombineMols(outmol,values, offset=Point3D(x_offset*(idx+1),0.0, 0.0)) order=Chem.CanonicalRankAtoms(outmol, includeChirality=True) mol_ordered=Chem.RenumberAtoms(outmol, list(order)) return outmol def _bond_conn(self, outmol): """Function to peruse the bonds and connections of place-hold atom within a super_monomer object. Parameters ----------- outmol : rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol RDKit Mol object Return -------- Tuple : `list` A tuple of lists containing connections and neighbours of the place-holder atom. """ atom=self.atom bonds=atom_neigh(outmol, str(atom)) conn_bonds=[b for a,b in bonds][1:-1] erase_br=[a for a,b in bonds] all_conn=list(zip(conn_bonds[::2], conn_bonds[1::2])) return all_conn, erase_br
[docs] def proto_polymer(self): """Function to create a linear polymer from a given super_monomer object. Returns -------- newMol_H : rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol RDKit Mol object """ atom=self.atom mol=self.mol n_copies=self.n_copies fragments=self._copy_mol() outmol=self._polimerisation(fragments) all_conn, erase_br=self._bond_conn(outmol) rwmol = Chem.RWMol(outmol) for ini, fin in all_conn: rwmol.AddBond(ini, fin, Chem.BondType.SINGLE) for i in sorted(erase_br[1:-1], key=None, reverse=True): rwmol.RemoveAtom(i) mol3=rwmol.GetMol() Chem.SanitizeMol(mol3) mol4=Chem.AddHs(mol3, addCoords=True) return mol4
[docs] def linear_polymer(self, FF="MMFF94", iter_ff=350, rot_steps=125): """Function to create a linear polymer from a given super_monomer object. Parameters ----------- FF : str Selected Force-Field from RDKit options, i.e, UFF or MMFF. iter_ff: int The maximum number of iterations used for the FF. Return -------- newMol_H : rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol RDKit Mol object """ mol=self.proto_polymer() atom=self.atom mol1=remove_plcholder(mol, atom) #Using PDB object to preserve bond information last_rdkit=Chem.MolToPDBBlock(mol1) mol_new=pb.readstring('pdb', last_rdkit) last_mol=ff_ob_relaxation(mol_new, FF, int(iter_ff)) rot_mol=rotor_opt(last_mol, FF, int(rot_steps)) return rot_mol