Tutorial on the usage of RSA tool

This tutorial illsutrates how to use the RSA tool.

Before starting any analysis, load the neccesary modules for this class.

from pysoftk.pol_analysis.tools.utils_mda import MDA_input
from pysoftk.pol_analysis.tools.utils_tools import *
from pysoftk.pol_analysis.make_micelle_whole import micelle_whole
from pysoftk.pol_analysis.ring_ring import RSA

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
/home/raquellrdc/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tqdm/auto.py:21: TqdmWarning: IProgress not found. Please update jupyter and ipywidgets. See https://ipywidgets.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user_install.html
  from .autonotebook import tqdm as notebook_tqdm
  1. Select your trajectory files, it is recommended to use a tpr file for the topology and xtc file for the trajectory. Note that any MDAnalysis supported file can be used here.


The simulation where we are going to perform the analysis is on this very big system. Since the system is very big, we will only perform the analysis on one frame.

Image Alt Text

Which is a simulation box filled with this polymer:

Image Alt Text

This class requires minimal user input. Only the angle, distance cutoff, start, stop and step frames are needed, as well as the name of the output file.

#name output file

#angle cutoff - angle range (val < ang_c or val> 180-ang_c).

#distance cutoff - distance between two rings to be considered stacked

#start frame

#stop frame

#step frame

Now, let’s run the RSA stacking analysis!-This run will take a bit of time, it is mainly because our system is very large!

rsa=RSA(topology, trajectory).stacking_analysis(dist_c, ang_c, start, stop, step, results)
Ring Stacking analysis has started
0%|                                                                                                                                                                                  | 0/300700 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
0%|                                                                                                                                                                        | 15/300700 [00:00<34:59, 143.20it/s]
0%|                                                                                                                                                                        | 30/300700 [00:00<35:02, 143.00it/s]
0%|                                                                                                                                                                        | 45/300700 [00:00<35:03, 142.94it/s]


7%|███████████▎                                                                                                                                                         | 20597/300700 [02:15<34:43, 134.44it/s]
7%|███████████▎                                                                                                                                                         | 20612/300700 [02:15<33:46, 138.20it/s]
df_results = 'data/rsa.parquet'
df = pd.read_parquet(df_results)

You will see that a lot of pdb files have been printed in the directory. These are just some results from the output where you can see visually the ring stacking!

../_images/ring_stacking_snapshot_1.png ../_images/ring_stacking_snapshot_2.png ../_images/ring_stacking_snapshot_3.png

We can make use of another function in the RSA class that output the network of polymers that have their rings stacked. All we need is the pandas dataframe outputed by the ring stacking calculation

sev_ring=RSA(topology, trajectory).find_several_rings_stacked(df_results)
#print the resids of the network of polymers connected by their stacked rings
#print the resids of the network of polymers connected by their stacked rings
[{1, 322, 642, 262, 620, 216, 239, 212, 276, 182, 728, 348, 223}, {480, 2, 68, 10, 20, 88, 30, 607}, {96, 4, 558}, {131, 5, 393, 139, 396, 269, 143, 16, 15, 146, 661, 22, 150, 25, 539, 29, 158, 159, 37, 550, 293, 424, 165, 170, 299, 172, 171, 46, 426, 186, 187, 188, 444, 61, 576, 449, 326, 71, 327, 460, 79, 80, 81, 720, 84, 215, 90, 219, 221, 222, 352, 482, 226, 354, 363, 110, 366, 751, 113, 116, 244, 118, 119, 628, 381}, {321, 69, 7, 41, 530, 213, 379}, {514, 9, 457, 398, 441, 414}, {672, 194, 12, 677}, {42, 53, 13}, {504, 14, 431}, {161, 21}, {26, 372}, {207, 31}, {32, 98, 707, 740, 712, 747, 716, 589, 752, 369, 723, 343, 761, 765}, {33, 405, 551}, {34, 534}, {291, 35, 773, 36, 238, 402, 179, 283}, {74, 38}, {533, 39}, {40, 629, 166}, {481, 47}, {353, 134, 136, 776, 75, 50, 274, 277, 311, 760, 58, 315, 157}, {130, 518, 715, 51, 632, 731, 351}, {388, 517, 390, 526, 144, 531, 403, 419, 547, 421, 552, 554, 556, 175, 561, 690, 52, 438, 184, 447, 477, 99, 107, 109, 510}, {120, 185, 557, 54}, {501, 55}, {259, 680, 496, 497, 85, 56, 665, 639}, {57, 82, 173}, {227, 389, 618, 314, 399, 623, 273, 466, 471, 250, 667, 60, 604}, {736, 705, 385, 706, 775, 296, 137, 555, 108, 652, 686, 335, 588, 370, 63}, {64, 432}, {65, 247, 367}, {418, 67, 70, 422, 622, 465}, {72, 493, 83, 440, 89}, {73, 140}, {76, 365, 94}, {261, 519, 104, 77, 270, 529, 564, 411, 574}, {257, 129, 453, 429, 78}, {91, 443}, {768, 169, 92, 595, 700}, {97, 196}, {192, 577, 100, 292}, {640, 512, 645, 774, 391, 670, 439, 704, 452, 583, 458, 208, 596, 597, 724, 612, 106, 763, 636}, {486, 154, 168, 553, 117, 122, 575}, {123, 340, 373, 318}, {342, 127}, {128, 521, 155}, {258, 132, 374, 303}, {320, 325, 133, 744, 302, 469, 633}, {537, 339, 741, 135}, {344, 147, 316, 333}, {153, 713}, {520, 156, 408}, {160, 545}, {163, 317}, {456, 167}, {177, 682, 689, 599}, {416, 407, 549, 178, 246, 572, 473, 508, 190}, {193, 298, 543}, {201, 195}, {307, 371, 197}, {225, 611, 198, 205, 206, 657, 658, 217}, {256, 464, 199}, {200, 264, 210, 721}, {660, 664, 666, 290, 678, 436, 202, 334, 337, 211, 468, 341, 729, 606, 479, 230, 242, 502, 249, 638}, {234, 203}, {204, 294}, {392, 214}, {224, 267, 286}, {323, 265, 361, 235, 309}, {364, 245}, {248, 251, 693, 483}, {252, 260}, {507, 253}, {580, 679, 587, 590, 271, 281, 602}, {272, 585, 592, 356}, {280, 282}, {300, 734, 287}, {304, 377, 360}, {336, 305}, {489, 692, 308, 605}, {313, 338, 357}, {324, 647, 563, 755, 601, 698, 701}, {328, 350, 375}, {737, 733, 616, 332, 621, 688, 625, 756, 568, 730, 635, 509, 511}, {523, 346, 571, 655}, {347, 358}, {362, 541, 349}, {355, 387}, {368, 384}, {745, 386}, {394, 739}, {395, 478}, {412, 579, 404}, {417, 454, 425, 624, 656, 470, 631, 410, 475}, {484, 446, 415}, {433, 527}, {434, 491, 581}, {499, 462}, {472, 674, 467}, {648, 485}, {488, 536, 573, 567}, {524, 764}, {627, 559}, {569, 711}, {570, 653}, {610, 644, 591}, {669, 598, 671}, {600, 646}, {714, 603}, {609, 749, 695}, {637, 687}, {641, 681}, {726, 694}, {738, 708}, {746, 766}, {753, 759}]

Let’s check by visual inspection if the polymers in the second network are conenected.


These polymers are all conected by polymers with ring stacking!